Big Brother Canada: Kelsey voted back into the BBCAN Grand

Big Brother Canada dealt the houseguests another wildcard last Thursday leaving them to unanimously decide to let either Loretta or Kelsey back into the house.
After leaving in a double fake eviction the previous week, the women spent seven days in a secret suite watching the BBCAN GRAND and spilling intel on the other houseguests.
After deliberating, the houseguests agreed that Kelsey should return, and Loveita would be sent home.
“My game has changed completely,” said Kelsey Faith. “Before I was just floating through, having fun, and meeting people. Now, it’s strategy. I spent a week in a room with Loveita who only thought about the game.
She kind of groomed me to come back and I got a taste of what it’s like to have that game mind.”
The house celebrated Kelsey’s return with a pizza party where she divulged to Jared and Raul the information Loveita had given to her – that she and Mitch were working together, even though Mitch had pledged allegiance to them. In fact, Mitch has been working with everybody! Kelsey pleads with both of them to keep this to themselves, but an upset Raul confronts Mitch, causing him to have separate blow ups with Jared and Kelsey.
Then, in a Greek-mythology themed Head of Household competition, it comes down to Mitch, Nick, and Raul, who all feel they need a win to secure their place in the house. But when Raul takes the HOH title, he vows revenge on Joel and targets Mitch, putting them both on the block.
To find out who earns the all-important Power of Veto, don’t miss Wednesday’s episode of Big Brother Canada at 9pm ET/PT on Global.