Another houseguest evicted

For the first time in BBCAN history, the Executive Veto twist put an end to Vivek’s game, as he became the 4th person evicted from the Big Brother Canada studios.
The week began with two-time pawn star, Elijah going straight from the block to the top as the new Head of Household. Elijah nominated Todd and Tola for eviction with a backdoor plan in place, but when POV winner, Lexus, chose not to use the Veto and keep the nominees the same, he was forced to change course.
Last night, host Arisa Cox called an executive board meeting to order and shocked the houseguests by revealing the missing Executive Veto. She then shared that someone would gain its unprecedented
power by surviving the Chain of Rejection, which began with HOH Elijah choosing the first houseguest he did not want to win the Executive Veto, forcing the others to do the same until Victoria was the last one standing and thus promoted to Executive Veto holder. As Executive Veto holder, Victoria had the power to overturn one of HOH Elijah’s current nominations, giving that same nominee the ability to name the houseguest who would replace them on the block. In true spicy fashion, Victoria chose to use the Executive Veto to take Todd off the block, who then named Vivek as his replacement. For the first time ever, the houseguests then had to cast their votes face-to-face. With Tola and Vivek on the block, the houseguests evicted Vivek, the third consecutive houseguest to be evicted by a blindside vote of 8 to 0.
Following his eviction, Vivek spoke to host Arisa Cox saying:
“I kind of expected it. The votes and the way the houseguests are playing right now, they don’t want to shuffle what’s going on with their alliances. They don’t want to create that divide.”
Who will rise to power and become the new HoH and who will they nominate for eviction? Tune in to Big Brother Canada on Global and stick with Big Blagger for the latest.