Big Brother Canada Season 8 competition spoilers taken from the live feeds.
Week 4
Head of Household: Sheldon
Nominated: Minh-Ly & Carol
Power of Veto: Hira
Replacement nominee: TBD
Evicted: TBD
Week 3
Head of Household: Sheldon
Nominated: Rianne & Madeline
Power of Veto: John Luke and Madeline (Both Safe)
Replacement nominee: Minh-Ly (Madeline saved herself)
Evicted: Eviction Cancelled**
Week 2
Head of Household: Chris
Nominated: Hira & Brooke
Power of Veto: Hira
Replacement nominee: Micheal (Hira saved himself)
Evicted: Micheal (9-3)
Week 1
Head of Household: No HoH*
Nominated: No Nominations*
Power of Veto: No PoV*
Replacement nominee: N/A
Evicted: Nico (Self Evicted)
* There was no HoH in the first week, the nominees were the 2 houseguest who failed to win either of the first 2 Challenges set as part of the Launch Night twist.
** As a result of Jamar and Kyle being ejected from the house, the eviction was cancelled.